I found this very interesting - clicking on the trend button was illuminating - it shows that a lot of those who identified as JWs with doubts or had a semblance of independent thinking have left or been pushed out so the remaining people who idetintify as JW's are more hard core - so numbers who attend meetings, pray, rely on the religion for right and wrong and who absolutely believed in God etc. all went up since 2007, as did the proportion of those who are poor, uneducated and not white.
It seems like they have circled the wagons and become more inward looking and weeded out dissenters or possible dissenters.
They are also generally older and less have children under 18 (a very good thing). As noted, at 78%, they are the group most likely to rely on the religion (read the organisation) to know what is right and wrong. The number for Muslims was less than half (37%) with common sense being the commonest way Muslims worked out right from wrong.
I found this very interesting given how much vilification of Muslims occurs on this site based on selective extracts from Muslim religious texts.
I always felt that this way of viewing Muslims was a result of looking at Islam through a JW prism i.e. if the religion says it then the believers must believe it and act on it whereas my view has always been that it is only the extremists who act in this way and only on the basis of a very narrow selective version of the religion propagated by extremists.